Greige Fabric & RFD Fabric are terms used in Apparel Industry. Greige and RFD Fabric is not same. Many people don’t know the difference between both fabrics.
Greige Fabric is base of RFD ( Ready for Dyeing) Fabric. Greige Fabric is produced in Kniting or woven factory no extra process applied. The normal color of greige fabric is grey or off white before it is processed and made ready for for color garment manufacturing, Printing, garment dyeing, etc. This fabric cost lower compared to processed RFD Fabric.
Whereas RFD fabric:
RFD means ready for dyeing. RFD fabric comes after passing various processes such as scouring, bleaching, equalizing etc. RFD fabric is used for manufacturing the coloured garments, printing and fabric dyeing etc. Cost of RFD fabric is higher than greige.